The Rotation with “Fettuccine”

Blockchain Burnouts
6 min readMar 26, 2022

Written By: MoodyM {@blockburnouts}{@MoodyxM}

Fett’s ABHS Angel #7304

The Rotation, created by “Blockchain Burnouts”, is an avenue to allow prominent creators and collectors to speak their mind, however they choose, on both the space and a specific project as well. Many speakers from“The Rotation” are project leads and are able to take this time to share the projects vision with you all through their own point of view as creators.

For Volume 1 of “The Rotation”, Blockchain Burnouts is so happy to welcome.. Fettuccine! Creator of “Angel Baby Hit Squad”.

MoodyM: “Let’s start from the beginning.. who was Fettuccine before NFTs?”

Fettuccine: “From New York, went to school in California. Since graduation worked in Marketing. Worked various jobs in California, Chicago, Atlanta, Toronto, New Jersey, and eventually was head of marketing for a payment processing company in NYC. Left that to go full time into CNFTs and Cardano. Very close with my family, enjoy traveling, playing poker, and puzzles.”

MoodyM: “What is a brief backstory for your first journey into CNFTs?..”

Fettuccine: “Got into NFTs through NBATopshot. Followed GreekFreak (creator of bizarre stars) on Twitter because I respected his Topshot trades. I saw a tweet one day of him shouting out Spacebudz. Decided to mint some. Hooked immediately by the community.”

MoodyM: “What was your motivation to go from solely a collector to a creator in the NFT space?..”

Fettuccine: I knew the value I could provide for the space, Cardano NFTs were brand new and I knew what I wanted to see from a project. Nobody was doing it so I took the dive, if nobody is doing what you want to see, create your own.

What made Blockchain Burnouts want to reach out to Fett ?

MoodyM: “I had initially found Fett through my first NFT purchase.. CardanoBits. When I saw his winged CBit profile picture on twitter i had to follow him immediately.. I just knew his voice in the space spoke volumes. I heard him speak about the project [ABHS] in different twitter spaces leading up to the initial mint.. what intrigued me about him and the project was not only the utility and artwork, but the man himself behind the project. Many overlook the team when it comes to a NFT launch, and I use him as an example anytime I speak my mind on a specific project, I believe his immense work ethic and ability to connect with almost anyone is what will probably end up bridging the maximalists from each chain together.. needless to say.. Fett is his own 1 of 1.”

Now that the background on the man himself.. let’s talk some Angels..

ABHS Airdrop artwork by Mr Intangible

“Give us a brief backstory of ABHS..”

Fettuccine: “The idea was about 10 months ago, the project took 6 months to create. Generating hundreds of 3d assets and layering them correctly is a much harder process than generating a 2d project.

25% of the sale goes to the artists

20% goes to community managers/advisors

16% goes to developers

20% goes to utility

19% goes to me

I knew I wanted to create a project that would bring exposure to cardano NFTs. This was during a time when nothing was trading, you’d be hard pressed to sell a spacebudz for 250 Ada. I wanted to bring new collectors into the space. So I had the idea for an ethereum NFT with Cardano utility. Basically forcing ethereum collectors to make a Cardano wallet.

The inspiration behind the artwork was renaissance angels I.e. Caravaggio style but with a dark side. I used angels because of my girlfriends clothing brand 99angelsNYC.”

ABHS Angel # 6024 shoutout @ sic2336 on Twitter

“What is Angel Baby Hit Squad doing differently than other NFT projects?”

Fettuccine: “We’re the first and only Ethereum NFT with cardano utility. Collectors get excited about one airdrop, we have 16 featuring the top projects/artists on Cardano for the new collectors being introduced. I also believe the IRL utility is a very important thing that not many projects do.”

“What do you believe is your biggest strength as a creator?..”

Fettuccine: “Connections with people in the space and in real life. I don’t think many other people in the space would have been able to pull off every collaboration and partnership this project has landed.”

“What is the biggest obstacle you have had to overcome as a creator in the NFT space?..”

Fettuccine: Honestly the biggest obstacle has been Cardano maxis giving hate about the project being on Ethereum. The intention behind the project was to expose Eth collectors to Ada and have Ada collectors learn about Eth. Some people were stubborn about the cross chain idea and targeted me because of it lol.

“What do you believe, as both NFT creators and collectors can do differently to create an easier barrier to entry for CNFTs to new people joining the space?..”

Fettuccine: “I think honesty and genuine marketing, not any of the BS hype competitions to sell out. It’s setting a very poor precedent for the space and ultimately will be destructive for long term onboarding of community members. It makes entry more comfortable and understandable for new collectors, gives them a reason to want to stay. It also helps avoid buying into rug pulls fueled by fomo.”

“Where do you see the CNFT/NFT space going in 1.. 3 and 5 years?..”

Fettuccine: I think the winners in terms of projects are going to be huge fucking winners. It’s just a matter of finding the correct projects and looking for the long term players. Dont chase flips. But 95% of projects aren’t going to survive.

“What excites you most as a creator/collector of NFTs?”

Fettuccine: “This space is ever changing, ebbing and flowing with new technology. It’s like an evolving puzzle that I have to constantly learn to provide what’s best for my community. I love the excitement.”

“What is a piece of advice you would give to new creators in the space?..”

Fettuccine: Don’t start a project for the money. You’re starting a business. And people are going to trust in you, this is a long term, 20+ year endeavor if you do it properly. You’re signing up for something serious, treat it as such.

Final thoughts from MoodyM

ABHS Angel # 0712 shoutout @ ZeruNFT on Twitter

In short.. always develop your own thesis on your investments. But looking past the artwork and whatever utility is promised, my main point I would like anyone reading this to take away, is know the team you are giving your ADA to when you mint an NFT. Fettuccine (and team) are some of the most open and genuine creators we have in the CNFT space. Fettuccine speaks in a (under promise and over deliver) tone continuing to try to build real utility for the holders of ABHS.

A project with utility FROM DAY ONE with airdrops from the likes of:

Jason Matias Twitter:@ realjasonmatias

Mr. Intangible Twitter: @ mrintangible

Joseph Miranda Twitter: @ theartofjoseph

Glus Twitter: @ cryptodelicsnft

H.Y.P.E. (most recent 3/22) Twitter @ haveyouseenhype

(Airdrops still to come for ABHS holders : Aeoniumsky, ClayMates, SpaceBudz, Yummy Universe etc.)

Bridging the gap between Eth and ADA is a challenge to say the least, technically speaking and literally speaking as there are many maximalists on both chains respectfully, but if there’s anyone I personally would want to send to the frontlines.. y’all know my pick..

ABHS Angel #4259 shoutout @ Gagliardone1 on Twitter



Blockchain Burnouts

Crypto Enthusiants attempting to specialize on Cardano; Writing Articles on projects/Interviews with creators building on ADA